Stay in full control of your environment with our web hostingShared Hosting

Basic plan
  • 5GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Popular Control Panel
  • 8 Addon Domains
  • 10 Email,FTP,MySQL DB
  • Free SSL (HTTPS)
  • Wordpress Optimized
  • PHP Version Selector
  • Weekly Backups (Jetbackup)
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most popular
Starter Plan
  • 10GB SSD Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Popular Control Panel
  • 15 Addon Domains
  • 10 Email,FTP,MySQL DB
  • Free SSL (HTTPS)
  • Wordpress Optimized
  • PHP Version Selector
  • Weekly Backups (Jetbackup)
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Business Plan
  • Unlimited SSD Space
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Popular Control Panel
  • Unlimited Addon Domains
  • 10 Email,FTP,MySQL DB
  • Free SSL (HTTPS)
  • Wordpress Optimized
  • PHP Version Selector
  • Weekly Backups (Jetbackup)
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High Performance Compute Instances Activate in seconds. Online 24x7server features
Free SSL Certificate

Every buyer wants online security. An SSL certificate has been installed on your website so that anyone visiting your website has no doubts about the security. This gets you a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate at no extra cost.

Free Site Builder

Build your own professional website, with our in-built site builder tool. Simply choose your template of free templates available and have your site up and running in a second. The process is quite simple, just drag and drop your content and images.

SSD Storage

We meet the requirements of your business website by providing the best SSDs shared hosting service. Maximize your website performance by hosting your website on 'Bindass Host' servers. With our SSD based servers, you get fast performing websites.

Secure Email Accounts

Get quick and easy access to your email secured with POP3/IMAP. You can access your emails anytime and anywhere with the availability of webmail. Gives you access to three webmail clients: Horde, SquirrelMail and Roundcube.

Control Panel

Create account and database and upload/download files or edit, create and delete files. control panel allows you to manage every facet of your Linux shared hosting account.

Malware Scan and Removal

How frustrating can it be to fall victim to a hacked site. You don't want to get into this kind of trouble. Therefore, we provide Malware Removal Tool to protect your site from any threats and malware.

Hosting Technical Specifications
Core Software
  • Latest version of WordPress
  • Jetpack plugin pre-installed
  • PEAR
  • ionCube Loader
  • QuickInstall
  • zlib
  • 1-click restore
  • Database backup
  • phpMyAdmin
  • InnoDB
  • MySqli
Supported Software
  • Zend Optimizer
  • jQuery
  • SSL
  • mod_rewrite / URL rewrite
  • json
  • mod_mime.c
  • Malware Scan & Removal
  • DDoS Protection
Frequently asked questions.
Shared hosting, a single server hosting multiple websites, means that you share server resources with more than one website.
In this, we can upload code written in PHP, Python, Ruby, etc., from softaculous one-click installation, and host your website.
Yes, You can host more websites through addon domains in your hosting control.